Functions in a remote interface are just regular functions in Swift that, when connected to a Web Frame, can be invoked from the web layer.


Functions can be declared any number of ways. The following examples are for a remote function that responds with the data that is sent to it from the web layer.

Declared as a function

func echo(call: Call) {

Declared as a method within a class

class Echo {
    func echo(call: Call) {

Declared as a lambda

functions: [
    "echo": { call in

Web Frame Configuration

For the following example, we’ll be using a function declared like the following:

func echo(call: Call) {

Since functions have first-class support in Swift, we can pass them as references to the Web Frame configuration.

let configuration = WebFrame.Configuration(
    baseURL: ...
    functions: [
        "echo": echo,
    observables: [:]

Peregrine expects remote functions to match the following type in Swift.

typealias RemoteFunction = (_: Call) -> Void



An instance of the Call class represents a single invocation of a remote function.


let request: Request

The Request instance associated with this call.


func respond()

Complete the call by responding with empty data.

func respond(with text: String)

Complete the call by responding with a UTF-8 encoded string.

func respond(with data: Data)

Complete the call by responding with arbitrary data.

func respond<T: Encodable>(with json: T) throws

Complete the call by responding with an encodable object.

Structs (or classes) must implement the Encodable protocol from Swift:

struct SizeResponse: Encodable {
    let width: Double
    let height: Double

Then, objects can be passed to .respond() directly:

call.respond(with: SizeResponse(width: 100, height: 100))

This function will throw an error if encoding fails (highly unlikely).

Not all Events must be wrapped in objects. In Swift, many data types implement the Encodable protocol: strings, booleans, ints, doubles, arrays, dictionaries, etc.

func fail(_ message: String?, code: String? = nil)

Complete the call (marking it as failed) by responding with an error message and code.

This will cause the web client to throw a ClientError exception.


Contains the request data from the web layer and helpers to extract it.


let data: Data

The raw data from the web layer.

let text: String

The data decoded as a UTF-8 string.


func json<T: Decodable>(_ type: T.Type) throws -> T

The data converted to a decodable object.

Structs (or classes) must implement the Decodable protocol from Swift:

struct SizeRequest: Decodable {
    let name: String

Then, pass the type to .json():

let sizeRequest = try call.request.json(SizeRequest.self)
let shapeName =

This function will throw an error if decoding fails.