Web Frames are instances of the WebFrame class in Swift. Essentially, they are meant to represent a single, supercharged web view. Web Frames are set up specifically for the web content they display: web view configuration and native access are tailored. Many hybrid developers may only use one Web Frame for their entire app—and that’s fine! Others may want to have a mix of web and native views.

Web Frames encapsulate the web view itself, path handlers for implementing responses to web view requests, and a remote interface for implementing native functionality.



Under Construction

Swift API


An instance of the WebFrame class represents a single native view with web content, as well as any configuration and native access associated with that web content.


init(configuration: Configuration)


let view: WebFrameRepresentable

The UIViewRepresentable that can be plugged into SwiftUI.

In the following example, we use the view directly as the root view of our scene.

import SwiftUI
import Peregrine

struct MyApp: App {
    let frame: WebFrame

    init() {
        let baseURL = Bundle.main.url(forResource: "www", withExtension: nil)!
        let configuration = WebFrame.Configuration(baseURL: baseURL)
        frame = WebFrame(configuration: configuration)

    var body: some Scene {
        WindowGroup {


A single Web Frame configuration which can be used for zero to many Web Frames.

Web Frame configurations contain the following.

  1. A baseURL which corresponds to the directory path from which to serve web content.

    This directory must have at least an index.html file.

  2. (optional) A remote interface, which comprises functions and observables.

    Functions are used to invoke something, e.g. run a native API, send back data, be notified of a particular lifecycle event, etc. Observables are used to receive a stream of notifications, e.g. network status, geofencing updates, keyboard events, etc.

    Each function and observable must have a unique string key for the web client’s usage. The string keys for observables must end in a dollar sign ($).

  3. (optional) Path handlers, which use special paths that are accessed by the web view to serve web content from Swift. See Path Handlers for reference documentation.


Create a WebFrame.Configuration.

    baseURL: URL?,
    functions: RemoteFunctions?,
    observables: RemoteObservables?,
    pathHandlers: [String: PathHandler]?


typealias RemoteFunctions = [String: RemoteFunction]


typealias RemoteFunction = (_: Call) -> Void


typealias RemoteObservables = [String: RemoteObservable]


typealias RemoteObservable = AnyPublisher<Event?, Never>